واتساب حضرموت الازرق HadramiApp اخر تحديث 2020

تحميل واتساب حضرموت الازرق ضد الحضر اخر اصدار

اسعد الله ايامكم متابعين موقع الواتس الجامع اليكم احدث نسخة واتساب بلس من قبل المطور عمر واتساب حضرموت الازرق والذي يتوفر بنسخة اخرى منه والتي يطلق عليها واتساب حضرموت الوردي والتي يقدمها لنا المطور المعروف عمر باذيب باصدارتهه المختلفه من النسخ التي يقوم بتعديلها وتطويرها من برمجيات واتساب الاخضر القديم واضافة مميزات ان حضرموت هي احدى المدن اليمنية العريقة والمشهوره بحضارتها القديمه منذ الازل ليست حضرموت بالمدينة البسيطة انها احدى اهم المحافظات اليمنية ويتوزع سكانها في مناطق كثيره في اليمن وفي الخليج العربي وما يعرف عن الحضارمه التجارة والذكاء فيها وهم من ساعدو الاقتصاد السعودي في بداية نشاته وهناك الكثير من رجال الاعمال الحضارمه في السعودية ان هذه النسخة من واتساب حضرموت لها شعبية في اليمن وفي السعودية من قبل المغتربين اليمنيين والتي تتوفر على نسخة للرجال ممثله باللون الازرق ونسخة خاصة بالفتيات ممثله بالنسخة الوردية من واتساب حضرموت 

تحديث HadramiApp الازرق

تأكد من أن النسخه التي تريد تحديثها تحمل نفس الإسم HadramiApp وكذلك نفس واللون كي لاتفقد محادثاتك..

جديد المميزات في واتساب حضرموت

  1. واتساب حضرمي وبالهجة المحلية
  2. موسعة ضخمة من الحالات النصية يمكن اختيارها ومشاركتها
  3. مراقبة جهات الاتصال المتصلة على واتساب 
  4. يوجد في هذه النسخة المصحف الشريف 
  5. كما يمكن مراسلة اي رقم غير محفوظ في الهاتف
  6. معرفة اخر تواجد لجهات الاتصال على واتساب
  7. تنزيل الحالات من الاستوري ونسخ النصوص
  8. عمل محادثات جماعية
  9. القيام باتصال فيديو جماعي
  10. كتب واضافات اسلامية كثيره
  11. كتب خاصة بالفتيات والرجال
  12. ارسال واستلام تطبيقات بصيغة apk والعديد من الصيغ الاخرى
  13. اخفاء المحادثات بسهولة ووضع كلمة مرور للدردشة او اخفائها
  14. معرفة اوقات الصلاة من خلال واتساب
  15. اقسام شبابية رياضية للشباب وكمال الاجسام والتنمية البشرية
  16. العديد من الاضافات المختلفة في واتساب حضرموت
  17. ارسال صور بدون حدود 

ويمكن تحميل النسخة الوردية من خلال الرابط التالي: واتساب حضرموت الوردي

البرنامج من تعديل:
م/عمر صالح باذيب.

WhatsApp Hadramout blue

Welcome again, dear visitors of the site WhatsApp Collective WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq is one of the most important and best versions of WhatsApp Plus which was developed on its feet by developing and amending the Yemeni developer, Amaradhib, which includes "WhatsAppHadramout Azraq 2020" on a number of developments and updates that distinguished it from other copies of WhatsApp and one of the features that we promoted its development with the coolest additions And I renew the features in the blue Whatsapp by Omar Badib that this setback is light and supports all Android devices and I will clarify easy for you all the features and services that have been developed by the age of WhatsApp Hadramout blue or as well as in the click on the following link to download the version of WhatsApp Hadramout pink 2020 .

WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq

DownloadHadramout Azraq
WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq 2020
Advantages of version number 19:

1-Add an option in the main conversation screen that enables you to read the Holy Qur’an, dhikr, praise and other (experimental option works in the Internet)visas WhatsApp
2- Add newHadramout 2020.
3- Update For the version of the market 2.19.17.
4- Re-add the option of multiple chats.
5- Fixing the problem of heavy and slow sending and receiving messages.
6- Re-add the option to display my name, cases, and number instead of the word WhatsApp.
7- Widgets and improvements to the interface backgrounds feature.
8- Repair adding stickers from Google Play.
9- Improvements to the moving effects feature and adding new shapes and features.
10- Add the application of cases within WhatsApp.
11- You can make a group call as group members.
12- If you select a message sent in the group, you can reply to its sender individually in the private.
13- Fix crash when trying to search for themes.
14- Other reforms.

Download Hadramout blue 2020

WhatsAppWhatsApp Hadramout Azraq 2020WhatsApp, Hadramawt

Features of this version ofcity, Yemen Blue:
1versus ban
2 -Addition of modern visas.
3 - Returns the option to add multiple chats.
4- Fixing the problem of heavy and slow sending and receiving correspondence.
Download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq, latest version of the

WhatsApp Hadramout update

download WhatsApp, Hadramout Azraq,

feature setting options: as it includes, or WhatsApp on the features included in the scope of privacy and all specifications, including the feature of hidden appearance, and also the feature of hiding the authenticity of reading and receiving messages, but using these features you will not be able to see the latest The emergence of friends, and a new feature in the program is the addition of the feature of not showing the writing neighbor, and also the absence of an existing clip append when attaching an audio clip, and all of these options are shown in the following picture.

WhatsApp Hadramawt blue hadramiapp

WhatsApp Hadramawt blue against the banWhatsApp Hadramout blue

Font transfer feature: The new renewal of theprogram is available on more than twenty lines that can switch between the lines, and the conversion between the lines occurs by going to the specifications and the selection of the program line conversion occurs, and the selection of Within the lines, and pressing occurs on the execution of the line, so it is shown in the following picture.

WhatsApp, Hadramawt blue download,

WhatsApp, Hadramawt blue download

feature, turn off the Internet: and that is one of the sentences features of the new renewal of WhatsApp, a city attended death in blue Yemen, as it has become possible to close the web on WhatsApp without the need to close the Internet on all other applications for clarification. Picture .

WhatsApp Hadramawt Blue Against the Ban

Features of the WhatsApp Hadramawt Blue application

Correspondence sent: This moment you can show and view all the competent correspondence of a person in the group’s range as soon as you click on the name of the individual as shown in the following picture

WhatsApp Hadramawt Blue last version 
WhatsApp Hadramawt blue Hadramiapp

additions And specifications: These index include many options that help you in facilitating the use of WhatsApp and make it easy and simplified and appropriate for your daily life, from those options download themes that convert the device appearances and the shape of icons, and also options to lock the program with a password, or There is also an option that controls notifications and all of this is shown in the picture.

Download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq

Download, update and download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq hadramiapp
Update and download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq hadramiappHadramout Blue

Download latest version blue 2020

WhatsApp Hadramoutupdate WhatsApp Hadramaut

Download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq 2020

Advantages of version number 16:

1- Update for the version of the market 2.18.327
2- Enable stickers feature You can now download expressive stickers and use them in chats.
3- Add a sign if someone did a @ post for you or respond to your group messages.
4- The forwarded will not appear at the other party if you make a forwarding of a message.
5- WhatsApp size has become 36 MB instead of 47.
6- Add a record of deleted messages, you can now see the messages that the other party deleted at any time (open the profile of any conversation and then deleted messages).
7- The ability to hide pictures and videos from the studio while still being able to view them via the WhatsApp application (open the profile of any conversation and then view the media).
8- Activate the message highlighting feature as read from notifications.
9- The feature of stopping receiving calls has been developed so that you can stop them without showing to the other party that your phone is ringing and showing the call is in progress.
10- Activate the option to save the conversation in the form of a zip file and the ability to share it (options - more - transfer chat).
11- Add an option that enables you to copy part of any message easily.
12- You can now pass the message from left to right to respond to it
13- Enable the reading place saving feature where when you open a previous conversation in which it stopped at a certain word it will appear immediately when entering the conversation again.
14- Activate the conference calling feature.
15- Activate the feature inside the image.
16- Add an option to set the time for notification after pressing deleted messages.
17- Support for changing the stickers section theme.
18- Removing the threshold for redirecting India users.
19- Fix the issue of hidden conversations appearing through the call screen.
20- Fix the square image option problem.
21- Fix the problem of searching for themes.
22- Activate the option to select all for chats on the main screen.
23- The ability to request a report of your WhatsApp account information and settings, as well as transfer it (Open Settings in WhatsApp - Account - Request Account Information.
24- Fix the problem of not showing the deleted messages notification in some devices.
25- Fix the internet search problem.
26- Remove the display option List of names
27- Delete some features in order to improve it in the future
28- Update Italian and Portuguese languages
29- Fix the problem of sharing and sending themes
30- Other reforms

Download WhatsApp Hadramout Azraq 2020 Latest version against Urban

واتساب حضرموت الازرق HadramiApp اخر تحديث 2020
جلال الشميري


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