سوداني واتس اب Sudani WhatsApp تحديث جديد

تحميل سوداني واتساب الجديد Sudani Whatsapp اسمراني

جديد نسخة سوداني واتس اب اصبحة متاحة للتحميل , واتس اب سوداني بلس الجديدة Sudani Whatsapp والموجهة للمستخدمين واتساب في السودان , وسوداني واتس اب يحتوي على جميع مميزات واتس اب بلس الازرق بالاضافة الى ميزات جديدة تهم المستخدم السوداني ضد الحظر ان واتساب اسمراني هو من افضل نسخة واتساب بلس موجهه للاصدقاء في السودان

يمكنك تحميل نسخة سوداني واتس اب من اسفل المقالة بعد قراءة النص التالي والذي يصف سوداني واتس اب 
التحميل من الاسفل
ان هذه هي احدث نسخة من سوداني واتساب والتي صدرة هذا الشهر وتعمل لغاية خمسة اشهر من تاريخ الاصدار 

واتس اب السودان واتساب
واتساب اسمراني

The copies of WhatsApp are many and many, and each copy of whatsapp plus version developed advantages , and the advantages of WhatsApp Plus vary from copy to copy , and there is a group of copies of WhatsApp which bears the name of Arab and foreign countries and some copies bear the name of the developers

 Sudani WhatsApp تحميل واتساب اسمراني

And our date today with the version of WhatsApp Plus Sudan, Sudani Whatsapp , WhatsApp Sudanese , addressed to the brothers in the Arab Republic of Sudan , where it uses WhatsApp Sudanese WhatsApp a lot of Sudanese , sudanese contains WhatsApp Plus has unique and new features and is not available in the rest of whatsapp copies

That Sudanese WhatsApp has a great popularity due to the population of the Republic of Sudan , WhatsApp Sudan edited version of WhatsApp Plus Blue , and was issued a version WhatsApp Sudanese in the month of 6-2018 and is the first version of WhatsApp addressed to Sudanese and is added the most important Sudanese sites to him and all the sudanese citizen needs, WhatsApp Sudanese It is being developed by a team of skilled programmers, and the addition of new improvements, Sudani Whatsapp Sudan and WhatsApp corresponds with many mobiles, and the Sudanese version of WhatsApp is free of any problems and loopholes, and this helped to spread whatsapp Sudanese, which is still the product of the launch kana Strong and got a large group of users immediately after the release of the Egyptian version of WhatsApp , WhatsApp Sudan features other copies of WhatsApp Plus developer e which has been directed to some Arab countries such as Yemen WhatsApp, Saudi WhatsApp, Suri WhatsApp, Jordanian WhatsApp, Mauritanian WhatsApp, Moroccan WhatsApp, Lebanese WhatsApp,

واتساب السودان
واتساب جمهورية السودان

Sudani WhatsApp can control privacy, such as hiding appearances, hiding case viewing, privacy of receiving messages, automatic response to WhatsApp messages, and preventing members from changing the name of the group, which suffers from many moderators.

يمكنك تحميل نسخ واتساب باسم بلدك من خلال الدخول للصفحة الرئيسية للموقع الواتس الجامع ثم اختيار النسخة المراد تحميلها

المميزات الجديدة في سوداني واتس اب Sudani Whatsapp 

  • Multi-chat feature is now available
  • Supports the transmission of 1GB files and media instead of 50Mega
  • New Animated Influencers
  • Notice when the message is recovered
  • Controlling privacy from within the legendary Watts settings 
  • New auto-text feature to send a large number of russells easily (to make it easier for publishers and advertisers)
  • Groups can be described
  • Prevent group members from changing their name
  • The possibility of changing the background in each section of WhatsApp
  • Control of the referrals section such as hiding cases seen - hiding insignificant cases - hiding recent cases
  • You can go back to the façade of 2014
  • The interface can be relocated down
  • The video can be converted to a moving image and vice versa
  • WhatsApp vibrate can be disabled at the highest conversation screen (open hidden conversations and then settings)
  • Control the size of the lines separately 
  • You can change the color of the title in the range of options
  • Many reforms solved all the problems in the previous version

  • التحميل لنسخة سوادن واتساب بلس

    سوداني واتساب , سوداني_واتس_اب, سوداني واتس اب, سوداني_واتساب, الواتساب_السوداني,تحديث_سوداني_واتساب, واتساب سوداني_ واتس اب السودان
    سوداني واتس اب Sudani WhatsApp تحديث جديد
    جلال الشميري


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