صفحة تحميل واتساب سيف الذهبي SAWhatsApp

تحميل واتس اب سيف الذهبي SAWhatsApp

Download and update WhatsApp Sword gold version, and the pink version , WhatsApp Safe is available on two versions of the golden version and the pink version , which was developed by Brother Saif and the version in total two special copies in gold color for lovers of the golden color and a special version in pink which is often used by girls WhatsApp Safe has many new features that make it a strong competitor to other copies made by Arab developers, so whatsapp is a sword of copies that are spread among users very quickly and which the developer Brother Saif works in developing intensively and constantly updating to be one of the best copies For a developer and the copy can be downloaded from the bottom of the article and there is an explanatory explanation on the second page below the article

WhatsApp Saif Golden is one of the best copies of whatsapp plus new that works on various Android devices and has great possibilities by controlling privacy and features that we find in other WhatsApp programs, whatsapp gold version of the developer Saif a successful project done by WhatsApp Safe and brought many users WhatsApp Plus has its own developer and it is against the ban and works in a stable way.

تحديث وتحميل واتساب بلس سيف الذهبي  

للبدا بالتحميل اختر النسخه التي تريد تحديثها من واتساب ابو عرب

تنزيل واتساب سيف الذهبي

تحميل واتساب سيف الذهبي

افضل نسخ واتساب سيف الجديدة التي يوفرها موقع الواتس الجامع

New in WhatsApp Safe
Add new WhatsApp features and add the watch sticker
You can now stop the Internet from WhatsApp and the internet still works in other programs
Add option 5.6 to upload a 7-minute video instead of 30 seconds
Add 1,024 people to the groins instead of 256
multiple chats open more than a card-shaped conversation
You can hide the name of the person you're talking to.
Now in the groups, the group supervisor will appear next to the supervisor's name.
Add option 2.7.7 to resize the floating button
Add option 2.7.8 to change the place of the floating button (left or right of the screen)
Activate your contact notification feature when you change your number
Add the ability to control group settings only for moderators "It will soon be done by the server"
Improve the feature of sending a message to an unsaved number on your device
Add option 2.1.10 to hide the internet stop icon from the conversation screen
Repair the account switching feature
Fix the non-functioning of option 6.2 when receiving several images (albums)
Fix option 6.11 in some versions
fix the collapse when you open conversations that have done their privacy
Fix the problem of not (this video failed to play) in some devices
Fix the status bar colors when selecting a message/conversation
German language support
Other reforms



7 تعليقات
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  • Unknown photo
    Unknown22 مارس 2018 في 10:21 ص

    عم يطلب تحديث عندي وماعم يتحدث

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    • Unknown photo
      Unknown22 مارس 2018 في 10:22 ص

      ليش عم يطلب تحديث عم اعطي تحديث ماعم يتحدث

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    • غير معرف24 مايو 2018 في 3:48 ص

      بدي تحديث نسخة الواتس اب الذهبية

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      • Unknown photo
        Unknown16 أكتوبر 2019 في 4:15 ص

        لماذا لايوجد ثيمات في الواتس سيف الذهبي

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        • Unknown photo
          Unknown15 يونيو 2020 في 12:09 ص

          كيف بدي احمل نسخه واتساب سيف ذهبي؟؟

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          • جلال الشميري photo
            جلال الشميري16 يونيو 2020 في 2:36 ص

            الرابط بالاعلى اخي اضغط على جملة " تحميل واتساب سيف الذهبي" وسيتم نوجيهك الى صفحة التحميل بعد انتهاء العد التنازلي ثم اضغط على دونلود بعد توجيهك الى موقع ميديا فاير

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          جلال الشميري
