تحميل واتساب عمر الوردي OB2WhatsApp

تنزيل واتساب عمر باذيب الوردي احدث اصدار

احدث نسخة جديدة من عمر الوردي اضعها بين ايديكم احبتي الكرام في رابط التحميل في اسفل المقاله

موقع عمر باذيب

The latest version of WhatsApp Plus

Here's the new update for whatsapp version Omar Batheb WhatsApp Omar Al-Wardi and as whatsapp omar batheb is one of the most beautiful copies, which spread widely for its quality and lightness and this version modified by the developer Omar Bathebe and is whatsapp age the most downloaded these days and for this i added updates for whatsapp version and Omar Bathebe is the Version of WhatsApp Omar Al-Wardi.
The girls version of WhatsApp Omar Batheeb that allows girls to use the social networking program WhatsApp Plus Omar Al-Wardi with its latest update where Eve can write to her friends and communicate with colleagues via WhatsApp developer and who seimar works to download updates .to him continuously to improve and make him the best copy WhatsApp Plus.
This is the latest version of the pink dissonance version, which I put to you your download link at the bottom of the article.
WhatsApp pink belonging to Yemeni developer Omar Batheeb, which contains many unique features that are not found in other versions of WhatsApp and whatsPlus new
Works for five months from the date of update
Remember that the version you have is pink in case you want to do the update so that you don't lose your messages and have the same name OB2WhatsApp.
Download WhatsApp Omar Batheeb Pink with the latest available version, which is a version of WhatsApp Plus developed by the developer Hadrami Omar Batheeb, who became famous in some Arab regions because he is modifying whatsapp green and adding some technical touches and making features not available in WhatsApp Green, which prompted a lot of user watts Official SAP to move to WhatsApp version brown age and pink and blue

New features in WhatsApp Omar Batheb:

WhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp's official version against the ban contains a huge amount of additions and new features and features version Of WhatsApp OB developed by the wonderful Yemeni young Omar Batheb from Hadramaut province and has more than a copy of whats app OB versions pink version and the blue version and the brown version as he Whatsapp Hadramout and Sana'a version and some other copies

The version did not request the update until after a long time met the request of some users
You can use all privacy options
Hide whatsapp impressions and disappear messages you send
Great sounds when new messages arrive on your phone
Add al-Furqan to WhatsApp Omar
There is a scientific calculator for students
Enable the user to send group messages to WhatsApp Plus groups
There's a medical base.
The history of The Gregorian and Hijri and the knowledge of the difference between them and the transformation of to and from one of them
Different forms of themes and bubbles inside chat rooms
Share written cases and wipe them from your friends' wall
You can download any video of the case in WhatsApp
write and send messages according to the date or time you will be limited any time you want
Group messages have become bigger and include more than a fifth of people who can send messages to him and here is an important note i hope to take care of some brothers who annoy people with many messages begging the two professors out of literature before adding anyone to your list of group messages
You can lose a person's name and make him not show up while he's texting.
Group messages have been expanded to make up all your contacts if you have fewer than 1,000 Friends in WhatsApp
You can add 1,000 people to the group messaging list
Alerts about finding a new version of WhatsApp Plus Omar Batheeb new
WhatsApp Omar supports the note
WhatsApp Omar supports Samsung S10
Fix all the errors in previous echoes
Download WhatsApp Omar Batheb (OB2WhatsApp) Download WhatsApp Omar Al-Wardi

تنزيل واتساب عمر الوردي من الرابط المباشر في الاسفل


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