تحميل WhatsApp3 النسخة رقم 3

تحميل واتساب بلس الجديدة

يمكن تحميل واتساب ابو صدام الاصدار الثالث واتساب الازرق3 WhatsApp3  من الرابط com.WhatsApp3Plus

WhatsApp Plus , replacement watts saddam rifai four version works with some download version that you want the program goes on the definition and here are the highlights of the new features and then we move to download

With watts-GBWhatsApp, you'll be able to get another WhatsPlus app along with the original WhatsApp app, built on the original Green app base, featuring all the features in the original Watts app. The app comes with additional features. We may not have been able to choose the right address for this post, but we have certainly achieved the original; This program will be useful for everyone, especially those who have multiple numbers and want to get them all in one phone.

WhatsApp Plus Features:

Hide the last presence
Privacy options
The ability to distinguish between regular and public menu messages
Who knows who was connected?
Enable whatsapp password lock
The ability to send 50 MB of video volume instead of 16MB
The ability to send a 100MB audio clip instead of 16MB
The ability to set the status to 250 characters instead of 139 characters
The ability to pay links without saving the message number or group manager
The ability to hide your name and date when copying two or more messages
The ability to reshape the app and change app codes and notifications
The ability to send high-quality images
Disable receiving voice/video calls from anyone you want or for everyone
The ability to view messages sent by anyone in the group individually
The app will show you when everyone changes their profile picture
Other capabilities


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  • Unknown photo
    Unknown25 يوليو 2018 في 7:46 م

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