واتس الملكة الوردي QU wahtsapp

واتساب الملكة الوردي نسخة بلس للبنات

يمكن تنزيل احدث نسخة مطورة من واتساب الملكة الوردي التي توفر لك الخصوصية الكاملة انه نسخة رائعة وجميلة من واتساب التي تعد احدلا النسخ الموجهه للبناة وتستخدمها مجموعة كبيرة من الفتياة الواتي يحبن اللوان الورديه والمتالقه العديد من نسخ الواتساب التي تستهدف البنات مثل النسخة الاخرى التى تدعى الاميرة وصنعاء الوردية وغيرها من النسخ الجميلة يمكن تنزيل برنامج واتساب بلس من الاسفل

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The way to hide photos in WhatsApp has been added preference in whatsapp SanaaApp2 which allows you to hide pictures and videos from the studio, this is a beautiful preference added in whatsapp SanaaApp2 it is a nice thing for people who hide pictures from the phone so as not to mess with them Hackers and it is nice in that preference that it allows you to watch these hidden pictures and videos through whatsapp QU QU wahtsapp by implementing WhatsApp Queen Pink , QU wahtsapp and the way to view and see hidden images take in the profile of any chat that you have hidden Previously, click on the hidden media view in whatsapp QU wahtsapp. 8- Activate the preference for the message trade-off as readable from notifications. The feature added in Watts Queen Pink allows you to activate the trade-off of any telegram in Watts Queen City and define it as a readable message through notices and this feature makes it easier for many to select any telegram in Watts The Pink Queen, as a telegram read easily. 9- The stop-receiving feature has been developed so that you can stop them without showing the other party that your phone is ringing and showing him the current communication. A feature has been added in WhatsApp Queen Pink, a beautiful feature and it can stop receiving calls in order to prevent anyone who annoys you by calling in whatsapp city pink queen search can stop you without making it clear to the caller that the phone is ringing but can be a preference to stop With the calls in WhatsApp Queen Pink that i am currently calling in this way is not possible for anyone to disturb you in repeated calls it is a beautiful preference in WhatsApp Queen City. Watts Dc 10- Activate the conference call feature. Now you can activate the preference for calls in WhatsApp group, it is a preference provided by WhatsApp Queen Pink QU wahtsapp, conference calls in WhatsApp conversations.

تنزيل احدث نسخة واتساب الملكة


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