تحميل واتساب اسماعيل القاسم ISWhatsapp

Download WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim ISWhatsapp WhatsApp against the ban

Here we come back to you to put in your hands download WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim (IS Whatsapp - ISWhatsapp) Arabic version of WhatsApp Plus against the ban with its latest version for the year 2020 despite being new on the scene but proved its worth and entered the atmosphere of competition strongly thanks to the unique and innovative features that were at the forefront of the security feature Full and free of temporary bans that have long been stolen users of whatsapp copies modified by different names such as WhatsApp Plus Golden but with WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim this problem was controlled and eliminated radically to become a safe version and against the ban was developed according to the standards of Whatsapp Plus and put many features in it to become one of the most common copies on the Arab scene.

IS Whatsapp ISWhatsapp

رابط تحميل واتساب اسماعيل القاسم بالاسفل باللون الاحمر

WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim Last updated:

For ISWhatsapp users before we start listing the details behind this version, we need to give you an important note to clarify some of the steps you should follow to avoid blocking whatsapp account:

You need to delete the old version of WhatsApp before you start installing the new version on your phone.
Activate your account by adding your number to the new update and entering the activation code that will receive you in the form of an SMS message to complete the activation procedure.
Keep in mind not to join a large number of groups so that you do not end up being blocked.
To avoid the loss of data that was on the old version you should make a backup of the messages before you start the process of deleting the copy after that step is done and remove that copy you can directly activate the new version of WhatsApp Ismail Kassem and activate your own number.

New ISWhatsapp features new version:

Automatic reply to incoming messages: This feature can be supported to automatically respond to messages from contacts when you are busy and unable to respond at that moment.

Hide Chats: This feature allows you to hide some private chats that you want to keep away from the chat list on the home screen and see them on your own and this process is done by going to the desired chat and choosing to hide the chat to be saved within hidden chats and you can see them and complete the rest of the conversations by going to the main interface and clicking on the word Whatsapp.

Identify specific WhatsApp cases that show you've seen them and hide watching the rest: with this feature you can see what cases you like without showing that you've all seen them and choose certain situations to be visible only without others by correcting the situation below.

Delete messages at any time: It happens to miss writing a particular message or send a message by mistake to one of your contacts and you want to delete them completely from both parties you can do so with WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim will delete those messages even if it has been a long time since they were sent.

App line change: ISWhatsapp has a set of fonts that you can choose, switch and use on the app.

Hide that you are active now: one of the privacy features preferred by the majority of users that enables them to enter and exit the application without anyone knowing about it and thus browsing more comfortably and less annoying.

Chat with unreserved numbers: a feature that was not available on WhatsApp Messenger previously and was added to the copies of WhatsApp Plus several likes gb whatsapp and og whatsapp so that the user can start conversations and make calls with unsaved numbers in his contacts easily and without having to save them in advance on the device.

Privacy Policy on WhatsApp Plus WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim:

  1. Hide the story watch shared by friends.
  2. Hide the reading of the messages received without the other party's knowledge.
  3. Hide and enable read and receive health only when you reply to messages (when this feature is activated automatic reply will be disabled)
  4. Set up a lock for the app so that it is difficult for the rest to penetrate and interfere with your privacy.
  5. Prevent deleting messages from your third parties as well as their WhatsApp cases.
  6. Block receiving calls from contacts that you select and enable them for the rest.

New Additions WhatsApp Ismail ISWhatsapp:

  • The ability to set up scheduled messages.
  • Disconnect the Internet from ISWhatsapp and adjust it in flight mode without affecting other apps on your device.
  • Control the size of the sender's profile.
  • Enable your profile picture as well as photos of all senders to all messages during individual chat or in groups.
  • Make a lot of use of the main interface.
  • Provide a set of version icons and chat notifications to replace the basic icons if the user so wishes.
  • Add the option that you're always connected and the option to hide notifications.
  • Add the feature to disable the chat and group message counter.
  • Increase the duration of uploading WhatsApp video cases to approximately 8 minutes instead of 30 seconds.
  • WhatsApp users can view cases, download videos and photos, and copy what was written from them.
  • Multiple app lock options in different styles such as password, fingerprint, style or pattern.
  • Add the night mode theme feature.
  • The app lets you open more than one conversation at once through the multichat feature.

روابط تحميل واتساب بلس ضد الحظر اسماعيل القاسم isWhatsApp

رباط التحميل : بديل واتساب الاخضر 
Download Link: WhatsApp Green Alternative 

رباط التحميل : نسخة ثانية بجانب واتساب الرسمي 
Download Link: A second version next to the official WhatsApp 

Here we have reached the end of our article and we hope that we have fulfilled even a small part of the right version of WhatsApp Ismail Al Qasim, which flourished thanks to the advantages and exclusive additions provided to us by its developer and which will not find it on WhatsApp Greentry it now to see its effectiveness and strength of performance and we shared your experience with it in the comments box.


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