Top 10 WhatsApp Plus versions of 2020 against the ban

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Download the best WhatsApp Plus versions for 2020

WhatsApp Plus copies against the ban are many and numerous, so I put a list of the best versions of WhatsApp Plus such as WhatsApp Omar Blue GBWhatsApp and AGWhatsApp Assem in order to request many visitors in the comments section below the previous articles and the problem of downloading WhatsApp Plus, so I also put a video clip there are many features that you share Modified whatsapp plus applications, and we are working on the inclusive WhatsApp to facilitate access to fast download links

Download WhatsApp Plus versions 2020

If you have arrived at this place and chose to enter this download page, then you must have been lost looking for which copies are optimal among a huge library containing an endless collection of developed WhatsApp Plus versions that have become famous and prolonged in various Arab and international circles Here, through the inclusive WhatsApp site, we were able to collect for you the best versions of WhatsApp Plus for the year 2020 in terms of the features it offers, the number of users coming to it without us, and the high download rates that I reached to remove all these questions and get you out of the maze that you were in and to have the opportunity to learn about it more And choose the most suitable ones to be on your device.

WhatsApp Plus is against the ban

What is WhatsApp Plus versions of WhatsApp Plus

Who among us did not notice the great role that the Internet service gave us in our daily life, as it made it easier for many to communicate with each other, and it was the entrance to social communication on the international and domestic scale of millions, since because of the Internet entering homes, offices and companies of individuals, the majority of software developers turned to produce applications that contribute to the functioning of Business, bringing people together, getting to know each other, breaking barriers of distances, borders and countries, so one of the most prominent of these applications and the product of those efforts was the instant messaging application WhatsApp Messenger, which was able to reunite families and close friends and expatriates and communicate with them and send pictures, audio clips and video to them wherever they are without the need to pay any costs It is available free of charge and supports various operating systems such as Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and Blackberry and does not need a special list to save contacts on it as it synchronizes with your contacts just to activate your number on it, but despite the fame that it has reached, it did notThis is interchangeable to him that he lacked many features that his users were looking for, which led to the emergence of what is better than the official green WhatsApp, which is versions of Whatsapp Plus with uses and features that exceeded what the original version provided, so this was the starting point from which copies began

FMWhatsapp, Whatsapp Gold, GBWhatsapp, Whatsapp Plus, OGWhatsapp, AeroWhatsapp, YOWhatsapp, AOWhatspp, OBWhatsapp, agwhatsapp .

Note : Each version of WhatsApp Plus has its download links placedin a red balloon below the definition of the copy. Click on the name of the version you want to download under the red text and put a video explaining the download for those who do not know how to use the site

List of the best WhatsApp Plus version 2020

We will list a group of WhatsApp Plus applications, all of which are strong and secure versions, and are anti-ban WhatsApp Plus applications

WhatsApp Omar Badeeb OBWhatsapp WhatsApp Plus 2020

OBWhatsapp WhatsApp Omar Badheeb : You must have heard about it and perhaps tried one of them, as it is a four-color version that was very popular among different WhatsApp users, starting from the WhatsApp version of Al-Annabi and the subsequent versions of WhatsApp Omar Al-Wardi and WhatsApp Omar Al-Azraq and ending with the WhatsApp Omar Al-Akhdar It came with new and exclusive additions, including its complete containment of the Holy Qur’an and some remembrances of interest to most users. One of them can be installed on your device next to the official side or installed all of them so that the total of WhatsApp accounts you have 5 accounts on one mobile due to its small size and not taking up a large area of ​​the phone memory.
download links

FMWhatsapp Fouad Miqdad WhatsApp Plus 2020

FMWhatsapp : It is also called downloading WhatsApp Fouad Miqdad, after its developer, who prepared it and presented it in four copies, one of which is the official alternative and is called fouad whatsapp. A second, third and fourth mobile account called FMWhatsapp Fouad MOD, FMWhatsapp2-GBWhatsapp, FMWhatsapp3-YOWhatsapp, and a set of advantages have been added to it, including replacing Facebook and smiley faces with Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Links to download FMWhatsApp Fouad

You can download one of the WhatsApp Fouad "FM Whatsapp, GBWhatsapp, YOWhatsapp," by going to its page 

Whatsapp Gold 2020

Whatsapp Gold WhatsApp Plus Gold : The most distinguished version of this year, also known as WhatsApp Gold Crown, can be installed on both sides of the original WhatsApp to add a second account on WhatsApp that was developed by the Arab developer Abu Arab who is famous for the constant updates he makes on a copy to be as trustworthy as his followers. And when a copy of it is exposed to the problem of temporary ban, immediately make the necessary updates to it to reduce that problem and remedy it before the situation worsens and loses the position it reached, and it is now a safer version and less subject to ban.

Links to download whatsapp gold

GBWhatsapp Plus 2020

GBWhatsapp GBWhatsApp : The WhatsApp Plus version I tried it personally and changed the image that the official version was on, as it included the features that were required for such applications in which the user puts his conversations with friends and the secrets that they share among themselves. These copies missed to guarantee them the required security and privacy. Through the application lock feature and hidden conversations that were not included in WhatsApp Messenger, GB WhatsApp was placed in the hands of its users in three versions: GBWhatsapp and Whatsapp Plus, the official alternative, and GB3Whatsapp to activate three numbers on your device.

Whatsapp gb download links

Whatsapp Plus 2020

Whatsapp Plus WhatsApp Plus : a copy that does not differ much from the golden WhatsApp, as it belongs to the developer itself and carries the blue color. It can be installed on your device as an alternative to the official application and cannot be installed if it exists so that the problem does not occur. This application is not installed, but in return you can install it alongside one of the copies Other Whatsapp Plus.

Download links for WhatsApp Plus plus 2020

WhatsApp Plus OGWhatsapp 2020

OGWhatsapp OGWhatsapp : A version of WhatsApp Plus with the green icon close to the color of the original application can be downloaded next to it to activate two numbers on the WhatsApp account through which the user can stop receiving notifications emanating from the application for a period of time when the flight mode is activated, which stops the Internet from it and keeps it working on the rest The programs on your computer are a feature that is not exclusive to it, but rather you will find it on the rest of the copies that we offer you today.

Ogwhatsapp 2020 download links

WhatsApp AeroWhatsapp plus 2020 is against the ban

AeroWhatsapp  : A distinctive version developed by the Turkish brother Hazar, which comes in two versions, namely the official alternative WhatsApp Aero and WhatsApp Aero 2 in addition to the official. They have seen it and choose some of it to show that it has been seen and other features that we will learn about later.

AeroWhatsapp WhatsApp plus download links 

WhatsApp YOWhatsapp 2020

YOWhatsapp : It was developed by Brother Yusuf Basha, and installed on your device without the need to delete the official version.

YOWhatsapp download links 

Download yowhatsapp  to run a second number

WhatsApp Hakrawe Gold and AOWhatspp WhatsApp Anime

AOWhatspp Anime WhatsApp : A special WhatsApp for anime fans comes with the theme of Annabi presented to us by developer Omar Bawazir, developer of the two versions of Princesses WhatsApp and WhatsApp Hakrawi
z whatsapp Hakrawi Gold : WhatsApp Hakraoui Gold is one of the popular WhatsApp Plus versions, which is an anti-ban WhatsApp version of the developer WhatsApp Hakrawi

Links to download anime  AOWhatspp

AGWhatsApp Asim Mahjoub agwhatsapp plus

agwhatsapp WhatsApp Assem : AGWhatsApp Asim Mahjoub is one of the new versions that are available from four different versions, such as WhatsApp Asim Al-Dhahabi, WhatsApp Asim Al-Wardi, WhatsApp Asim Al-Akhdar and WhatsApp Asim Al-Azraq, which are WhatsApp copies against the ban 

Links to download all versions of WhatsApp Asim Mahjoub, agwhatsapp

Explanation of downloading from the inclusive WhatsApp site

I apologize for the poor explanation, and I will present a simpler explanation next time

All the features of WhatsApp Plus 2020:

  1. All copies are safe and against ban.
  2. Supports the Arabic language and many foreign languages.
  3. Full privacy for its users (hiding recent activity on WhatsApp, hiding writing and recording, hiding status viewing, hiding the reading and receiving pages, who can contact me?)
  4. Enable a locking mode for the application and hidden conversations using a fingerprint, a secret code, or even a pattern.
  5. Add a proxy to protect the application from blocking operations that may stop the user account from working.
  6. The ability to change the form, background and font of the application through the recently added set of colors.
  7. The ability to change the shape of the application's icons and its basic chat notifications and replace them with other icons provided by the application to its users.
  8. Enable forwarding messages to more than 1000 people, after it was restricted to 5 only, without being attached to the phrase "transferred message."
  9. Enable copying and sharing of more than one message without showing the name of the message owner and the timing of sending it.
  10. Granting its users the permission to download WhatsApp videos and photos displayed by friends and copy texts from them.
  11. Adding new options to the notifications menu, such as the option of who has seen my status, who is online now, and who recently changed his profile picture.
  12. Added waste cleaning options.
  13. Granting the group’s supervisors the absolute power to publish on them and to control the changes that can happen to the group.
  14. Add a section for the Holy Quran and some Islamic additions on WhatsApp Omar Badeeb and AOWhatsapp.
  15. Ability to replace the default mode of the main application interface with a dark or transparent mode theme.
  16. Adding a quick access bar on the chat screen to make it easier to navigate between chats without going back to the main screen.
  17. Add drop effects option.
  18. The ability to replace the WhatsApp story view and make it look similar to the Instagram status view.
  19. Giving the user the power to choose who he can add to groups.
  20. Added auto reply and scheduled message options.
  21. Optimization for copy speed and performance.
  22. Other fixes and improvements.

Here we have finished the article in which we put copies of WhatsApp Plus against the ban, which is one of the best versions of WhatsApp Plus that is used a lot, and we will update the list and add some new version, which we have confirmed that it is free of malicious software WhatsApp Gold WhatsApp Blue WhatsApp Plus The latest update is the best WhatsApp Plus 2020

WhatsApp YOWhatsapp 2020, WhatsApp AeroWhatsapp 2020 against the ban, WhatsApp Plus OGWhatsapp 2020, Whatsapp Plus 2020, WhatsApp Plus my pocket GBWhatsapp 2020, WhatsApp Abu Arab Golden Whatsapp Gold 2020, WhatsApp Fouad Miqdad FMWhatsapp WhatsApp Plus 2020, WhatsApp Omar Badeeb, WhatsApp Plus 2020, agWhatsApp Asim Mahjoub, agwhatsapp plus, WhatsApp Hakraoui Gold and AOWhatspp Whatsapp anime z whatsapp

Top 10 WhatsApp Plus versions of 2020 against the ban
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